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Board Meeting Highlights: Monday, November 27, 2023

| Categories: Board
Board Meeting Highlights: Monday, November 27, 2023

The Vancouver School Board held its regularly scheduled public meeting on the evening of Monday, November 27, 2023. 

Watch the recording or view the agenda of the meeting.  

During the meeting, the Board received the 2022-2023 Annual Report by the Chair, detailing the accomplishments of the Board in the first of its four-year term. Following, secretary-treasurer Coughlan presided over the election of the chair and vice-chair for the 2023-2024 term. Trustee Victoria Jung returns as chair of the Board for a second term and trustee Joshua Zhang will serve as vice-chair. Both were elected by acclamation. 

The Board also received reports from the meetings of the personnel and finance and education plan committees held earlier in November. 

Superintendent’s update

Each Board meeting, the superintendent provides an update highlighting key events, activities and topics on the educational agenda. This month, superintendent McGregor began her presentation by acknowledging two recipients of the monthly superintendent’s tribute. The tribute showcases the contributions by members of school communities supporting students’ well-being and learning. This month, the tribute honoured Derek Grant for his years of dedicated service to preserving VSB’s archives and heritage work. Also honoured this month was Mami Iimura, a volunteer and supervision aide at Oppenheimer Elementary, who has been sharing her warmth and caring with the school for nearly 20 years. Superintendent McGregor then provided information about various staff learning and professional development sessions including the District-wide Indigenous Focused Day of Learning. She also noted support staff recognition day activities as well as provincial and national awards and accolades for staff from schools and the District level. Her update also detailed events and observances by students and District staff including Indigenous Veterans’ Day, Remembrance Day, Diwali celebrations and the opening of a new seismically safe David Lloyd George elementary. 

Student Trustee Update

Student trustee Mia Liu shared information with the Board about activities underway by the Vancouver District Student Council (VDSC) including upcoming annual Canley Cup – a fundraising initiative supporting the Greater Vancouver Food Bank, its partners and school communities here in Vancouver. She also informed the Board that both the sustainability liaison and the Indigenous liaison to the VDSC are now voting members following revisions to the council’s constitution. Liu also explained that the VDSC finalized an application process for the student leadership grant, funded by the Board in the 2023-2024 annual budget. 

Board Business

The Board considered three matters arising from committee meetings. It appointed KPMG LLP as the school board auditors for the upcoming year. It also reviewed and approved the Statement of Financial Information (SOFI) report – July 1, 2022, to June 30, 2023, a matter arising from the finance and personnel committee. The Board also approved trustee members of the naming and renaming   policy ad-hoc committee: trustees Fraser, Richardson and Zhang. In addition, the Board passed a motion reaffirming its commitment to the Britannia renewal planning process, recognizing the site provides comprehensive community services and k-12 education. 

Question Period  
At each regular public meeting, the Board provides an opportunity to members of the community to submit questions regarding Board business and agenda items. The submission form is open from 12:00 p.m. the day of Board meeting and closes after the Board receives committee reports during its meeting. No questions were submitted this month.  

Keep up to date with the District’s committee and Board meetings; see the calendar for meeting dates, agendas and livestream links. All recordings of meetings are housed on the District’s YouTube channel. Minutes of committee and Board meetings are also posted online.

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