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Welcome Back to School!

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Dear VSB students and families, 

As summer break comes to a close and the excitement of back-to-school builds, I am delighted to welcome you to the 2024-2025 school year! Whether you are returning to us or attending school for the first time in VSB, we are thrilled to have you as part of our VSB community. 

As the new year begins, anticipate fresh opportunities, growth, and learning. We understand the mix of emotions that come with going back to school, and we’re here to support students every step of the way. School schedules and specificdetails will be shared by school-based staff in the coming week.  Below are a few key items to note as we head into the new school year.  

School enrolment  

Summer often brings changes, including moves to new neighborhoods. If your family has relocated, either out of the city or to another school, please notify your current school as soon as possible. This may open a space for a student who is currently on a waitlist to attend that school. School staff will be in contact when a space becomes available for students currently on waitlists to attend their catchment school. Spaces may open throughout the school year.  

Support for students  

We are committed to supporting students every step of the way on their K-12 education journey. Communication between home and school is key to ensuring a successful school year. I encourage you to stay connected with teachers and school leaders throughout the year. 

  • If you have questions or concerns about the educational experience or programming, start by contacting your school/program. You can connect with a teacher, counsellor or the principal/vice principal. Their contact information is available on each school’s website. 
  • Sometimes disagreements arise regarding decisions made by school or District staff. The conflict resolution process for school-based concerns provides a process for resolution.  

Student and family affordability fund  

Since 2022, the Ministry of Education and Child Care has allocated funding directly to school boards in support of families who may be struggling to pay for costs associated with going to school. This year, the funding guidelines have changed. Funding can be used to offset costs related to:  

  • basic school supplies that are usually purchased by families (e.g. pens, paper) 
  • other education-related fees (e.g. camps and field trips)  
  • clothing/footwear required for school sports and other school activities.  

If your family is experiencing financial hardship and would like to access the student and family affordability fund, or would like more information, please contact your school.  

Personal digital devices  

As you may know, in January 2024, the Province of B.C. mandated all school boards to update their Codes of Conduct to limit students' use of personal digital devices during school hours. 

Personal digital devices are now restricted throughout the instructional day (9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.). This includes class time, recess and lunch. Devices must be turned off or set to silent mode and kept out of sight for the entire school day.

In secondary schools, personal digital devices must be turned off or placed on silent mode before students enter the classroom and remain silent during instructional time. Personal digital devices are not permitted for use during class/instructional time unless an educator has given permission.  

Schools may provide additional information or guidelines to support the updated  Code of Conduct (section 1.3.5). We kindly ask everyone to join us in encouraging students to develop digital literacy skills and use technology solely for educational purposes while at school. 

School liaison officer (SLO) program  

The revised SLO program is entering its second year at VSB. We continue to collaborate with the Vancouver Police Department (VPD) to ensure community support for both students and staff. Our commitment to creating safe, inclusive and welcoming environments remains strong. 

SLO’s work is to enhance school safety, offer support and guidance to school communities. They also collaborate with school teams and student clubs. 

Occasionally, school principals may invite an officer to an elementary school for events, presentations or to ensure safety. Your school’s administrator will provide advance notice and details about a visit by a SLO. These officers deliver safety and crime prevention programs and are available to provide advice and guidance to students, staff and families who seek support. However, there is no obligation for students to interact with them. If you have any questions about the program or specific considerations for your child’s comfort, please contact your school’s principal or vice principal.

SLOs are members of our secondary school communities, and each secondary school has an assigned SLO. They participate in school events, provide presentations and deliver safety and crime prevention programs. Theseofficers are also available to provide advice and guidance to students, staff and families who seek support. If you have any questions about the program or specific considerations you wish the school to know about, please reach out to your school’s principal or vice principal.  

Stay in the know

Stay updated with VSB news at and your school’s website. Find important dates on the District calendar. Follow us on InstagramXTikTokFacebookLinkedIn and YouTube. Subscribe to our podcast, VSB: After The Bell, on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or wherever you listen to podcasts, to get a behind the scenes look at what’s happening in VSB.  

As we embark on this new school year together, I want to thank you in advance for your cooperation and trust. I am confident that this school year will be filled with achievements, growth and wonderful memories with your school or program community. I hope you enjoy these last days of summer break and look forward to an exciting and successful school year ahead! 

Warm regards, 

 Helen McGregor 
Vancouver School Board 


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