Board Highlights – March 10, 2025

The Board held its public meeting on March 20, 2025. Watch the meeting or view the full the agenda package.
Superintendent’s update
At each Board meeting, superintendent McGregor begins her update with the Superintendent’s Tribute, recognizing the contributions of staff, volunteers and partners. This month, Christine Chan, a StrongStart facilitator, was acknowledged for her commitment to early years experiences for both children and their families. Known as a community builder, she is a VSB graduate and joined VSB staff in February 2020 with Waverly Elementary’s StrongStart program — the same school community where she grew up and now lives with her family. The second tribute honoured Steve Valente, a member of the Strathcona school community for 19 years as a school-student support assistant (SSA). Known for his unyielding student support, breaking down barriers and creating opportunities, Steve’s dedication to community service and volunteerism inspired others throughout the years.
Following the tributes, superintendent McGregor highlighted activities and events throughout the District, including Model UN, Black History Month across VSB and funding approval for 96 new before-and after-school child care spots at three schools. She also detailed STEAM learning at the annual Vancouver District Science Fair and the 2025 FIRST Robotics Competition, which included two VSB teams: the Vancouver Rainstorms and the Puddle Jumpers. On the athletics front, she informed the Board about student events held by Rugby Sevens and Invictus Games. These opportunities introduced students to sports new to them — like seated volleyball — inspiration from athletes and a little friendly competition along the way. Superintendent McGregor also shared an update about secondary athletics, detailing VSB athletes’ accomplishments thanks to their dedication, hard work and the support of many volunteer coaches and officials.
Student trustee report
Student trustee Athena Yu updated the Board about projects funded through the Student Leadership Grant, including 32 projects at the secondary level, 28 at the elementary level and six cross-district projects. The themes of these projects include arts and creative expression, community engagement, cultural awareness and celebration, social justice and equity, STEM and innovation and sustainability and environmental stewardship. She also informed the Board that this year’s Sister School Switch (SSS) was another success in building connections across our VSB. Under the theme, “Generations in the Making” students explored and exchanged the history of their schools and communities. During the switch, students participated in a photo scavenger hunt of landmarks at each school site. They then shared their experiences at the concluding form, that also included a presentation on the Framework for Enhanced Student Learning about literacy and numeracy assessments.
The Board was provided with a recap of the VDSC’s general meeting, held on March 4. Student trustee Yu also informed the Board that at the meeting, the VDSC discussed potential methods and ideas to address the issue of vaping at school sites and discussed how to increase the number of student forum opportunities at the school level.
Board business
The Board received reports from the finance and personnel committee meetings held in February and early March. As matters arising from the finance and personnel committee, the Board approved the use of $630,000 from the operating contingency to fund the current (2020-2025 amended budget). The amended annual budget bylaw was also adopted as were the fees for summer learning programs for courses not funded by the provincial government.
The Board then received a report from the policy and governance committee held in March. Under matters arising at that committee meeting, the Board approved updated policies Role of the Board Chairperson and of the Board Vice Chairperson — a new Policy 5 that outlines and streamlines the duties and responsibilities of the each. Also, as a matter arising, the Board discussed a proposed motion: Democracy, Accountability and Public Participation at VSB Board and Committee Meetings. This motion was referred to the committee during November 25, 2024, Board meeting. After considering several possible amendments, the Board referred the motion back to the committee for further input and possibly, a recommended motion. As a final matter arising of the March committee meeting, the Board approved a revised 2025-2026 trustee appointments which initially excluded the trustee appointed to the Framework for Enhanced Student Learning Advisory Committee.
Under new business, a notice of motion: Engagement Communication to provide one easily accessed place with information for the public, including parents and guardians, about how to engage with the district about individual student, school based or board (governance/budget) issues.
Question Period
At each regular public meeting, the Board provides an opportunity to members of the public to submit questions about Board governance matters and agenda items. The submission form is open from 12:00 p.m. the day of Board meeting and closes after the Board receives committee reports during its meeting. No questions were received this month.