Travel Considerations
QEA offers French immersion, a District choice program, where the catchment area is all of Vancouver. The map below shows families from across the city choose to travel to the attend the District choice program at Queen Elizabeth Annex (QEA). As such, QEA is not considered a neighbourhood school in the sense that most students are travelling further to attend QEA than they would to attend their own catchment school.

Distance from QEA
It is about the same distance to Queen Elizabeth (QE) and Jules Quesnel (JQ) from QEA. The table below shows both schools are about one kilometre away from QEA. If the Board decides to close QEA and students relocate to JQ or QEA, staff will work with QEA families to identify safe walking routes with families. For students who are driven, take public transit or cycle, there would not be a significant impact in getting to QE in terms of commuting times given the proximity of the schools to each other.
Distance Between Schools
School 1 | School 2 | Distance |
Queen Elizabeth Annex | Queen Elizabeth Elementary | 1.3 km |
Queen Elizabeth Annex | Ecole Jules Quesnel | 1.2 km |
Queen Elizabeth Elementary | Ecole Jules Quesnel | 0.6 km |