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Space Use

If the Board decides to close Queen Elizabeth Annex (QEA), staff are proposing to move students to either Jules Quesnel Elementary (JQ) or Queen Elizabeth Elementary (QE). Both JQ and QEA have sufficient existing classroom space to accommodate all students from QEA.

  • The graphics below outline how space is utilized in JQ and QE this year and how it would be used in 2023-24, should the board decide to move QEA to either school.

    Queen Elizabeth Elementary

    QE has 18 classrooms as well as the following non-enrolling spaces: three resource rooms, a multipurpose room, a library, a gym, and a separate auditorium that is utilized as an additional gym space. There are many ancillary spaces available for use by area counsellors, and other school and District resource staff.


    Jules Quesnel Elementary

    JQ has 18 classrooms as well as the following non-enrolling spaces: three resource rooms, a multipurpose room, a library, a computer room, and a gym.

  • QEA, QE and JQ all have access to outdoor play space with natural surfaces, natural features, and play structures. Both QEA and QE have direct access to Pacific Spirit Regional Park lands. In addition to having their own dedicated outdoor play space at JQ, that school is connected with Byng secondary and shares an outdoor field space with the secondary school.

    Site Area
    1.54 ha
    Direct access Pacific Spirit Regional Park.
    6.60 ha
    Direct access Pacific Spirit Regional Park.
    1.16 ha
    JQ site is connected to Byng secondary site, total site area is 3.67 ha. The secondary students do not share the field with JQ students during recess or lunch.

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