Demand for French Immersion
There continues to be high demand for French immersion across the District. However, schools that offer French Immersion on the west side have seen a decrease in the number of applicants in recent years, resulting in the ability to accommodate most, if not all first-choice applicants (see French Immersion Kindergarten Waitlist). This recent decline also aligns with the overall decline in enrolment at nearby catchment schools, in the area. In fact, this year the JQ/QEA French immersion program had zero students on the waitlist; all students who applied for JQ/QEA program as their first choice were accepted into the program.
Note: JQ and QEA are considered one French immersion program since QEA is the feeder school to JQ. QEA students who complete Grade 3, continue the French immersion program at JQ in Grade 4.
Note: Families can select up to a maximum of three location choices per student, in the order of preference. Due to the cross reference from second and third choice options, the District looks at first choice options when reviewing choice program waitlists.
French Immersion Kindergarten (First Choice) Applicants

French Immersion Kindergarten (First Choice) Waitlist

Program expansion
Based on the decline in demand, there are currently no plans to expand the French immersion program on the west side of Vancouver. The District will continue to maintain the program at its current level. This aligns with the Board approved, 2018 French Program Review which states the District should endeavour to "match the supply of French Immersion sites to levels of demand around the District".
Should the Board decide to close QEA, the number of French immersion cohorts throughout the District will remain the same, and the number of cohorts enrolled in programs near QEA will remain the same. There are seven kindergarten cohorts enrolled on an annual basis in French immersion programs near JQ/QEA. Currently the JQ/QEA program enrols three kindergarten cohorts (up to 60 students) on an annual basis. If QEA students were relocated to JQ, it may not be possible to maintain three-cohorts at JQ every year in the future. However, it will be possible to increase intake at other nearby sites to ensure that current enrolment levels are maintained in this area. The charts below shows how the program will be maintained if QEA was closed and students were moved to JQ or QE.
5 Year forecast of Kindergarten French Immersion if QEA cohorts moved to JQ

5 Year forecast of Kindergarten French Immersion if QEA cohorts moved to QE

Note: JQ and QEA are considered one French immersion program, at JQ, because QEA is the feeder school to JQ. QEA students who complete Grade 3, continue the French immersion program at JQ in Grade 4.
Note: families choose to apply to any of the 12 elementary schools in the District offering French immersion, resulting in potential travel across the city to attend the District choice program.