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Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI) Resources for Families


QUESTIONS & ANSWERS: for Parents and Caregivers of Transgender and Gender Diverse Youth

Available in Chinese [Traditional], Filipino, Korean, Punjabi and Vietnamese

SOGI 1 2 3  - Resources for Families

Information about what SOGI-inclusive education looks like in Canadian schools.  

Available in English, Mandarin, Punjabi and French

SOGI 123 Brochure


SOGI-Inclusive Education - VSB Guides for Families

VSB Guides for Families
Also available in:
Understanding SOGI-Inclusive EducationArabic, Chinese [Traditional], Filipino, French, Punjabi, Spanish and Vietnamese
Understanding SOGI-Inclusive ResourcesArabic, Chinese [Traditional], Filipino, French, Punjabi, Spanish and Vietnamese
SOGI-Inclusive Education FAQArabic, Chinese [Traditional], Filipino, French, Punjabi, Spanish and Vietnamese
Tips for Holding Space for Difficult Conversations at HomeArabic, Chinese [Traditional], Filipino, French, Punjabi, Spanish and Vietnamese

BC Children’s Hospital, Kelty Mental Health Resource Centre: Gender and Sexuality 

Recommended resources for parents and caregivers to learn more about LGBTQ2S+ resources and provincial support services.

QMUNITY: BC’s Queer, Trans, and Two-Spirit Resource Centre 

Support for Parents, Guardians and Caregivers, including articles that include advice for supporting youth who are coming out, Q & A sections, and supporting a non-binary child. You will also find information on support groups and links to other helpful sites and organizations. 

TRANS CARE BC: Trans Basics

Trans Care BC will help you understand the concepts, definitions, terms and expressions used when talking about trans identity, gender, sexual orientation and health and wellness. 


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