On Our Way to Kindergarten
VSB On Our Way to Kindergarten events are for families/caregivers with children who will be entering kindergarten in the fall. Families will engage in fun, play-based activities, and have the opportunity to meet school and other community members. Each child will receive a resource bag with specially selected early learning materials. Included in the bags are helpful strategies for families to support a child’s development through play-based learning.
A Kindergarten Bag Resources page is also available so you can learn what's inside the bag and how to utilize these resources.
All Vancouver schools will host a On Our Way to Kindergarten session in April, May or June. Please contact your Neighbourhood School for more information.
Play-based learning is one of the most effective approaches to develop the foundational skills for success in school and in life.
View our Preparing for Kindergarten booklet:
- English - Preparing for Kindergarten
- Spanish - Preparación para el Kinder
- Chinese - 为上幼儿园做准备
- Vietnamese - Chuẩn Bị cho Lớp Mẫu Giáo
- Arabic - إعداد ا أ لطفال للروضة
Support the Transition to Kindergarten information is also available.