VSB Employee
Vancouver Board of Education Acceptable Use of Technology
The District supports the use of information technology and systems for the delivery of educational programs and the business operations of the organization. The District is committed to providing an accessible, secure and reliable information technology environment for the purposes of teaching, learning and administration. The District requires acceptable, ethical, responsible and legal use of District technology that is consistent with this Administrative Procedure and other procedures including for students, the compliance with their school’s Code of Conduct.
The District acknowledges that the need to protect the integrity of the school and working environment and the safety and security of students, employees, parents, volunteers, and guests, is of paramount importance. The District expects employees to use District provided electronic mail systems when using electronic mail to communicate and conduct school and District related work.
- District Technology means any electronic device, service, electronic information, or system including but not limited to computers, servers, mobile phones, tablets, sensors, cameras, email and voice services, databases, software, apps, and networks provided or operated by the District.
- Internet means the computer network systems connecting electronic devices all over the world through which individuals can interact, communicate, and share information.
- Personal Technology means any electronic device owned and provided by an individual User used in relation to a District related activity.
- Personal Information has the meaning set out in the British Columbia Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, namely, any information about an identifiable individual excluding information that would allow them to be contacted at work.
- System Administrator includes employees with the role and responsibility to monitor and maintain District technology.
- User means students, employees, parents, volunteers and guests using technology (District or Personal) that involves any District related activities, including off-campus activities that have a connection to the District or its schools, or for personal purposes that involve any aspect of District technology.
- The vsb.bc.ca, vsbworld.ca, govsb.ca domains are owned by the District and used for providing District identifiable websites and employee email addresses.
- The Acceptable Use of Technology Administrative Procedure applies to all users of District and personal technology.
- Users are required to review and acknowledge this Acceptable Use of Technology Administrative Procedure.
- The System Administrators are authorized to block access to, or remove files (from District technology) that are in violation of this Administrative Procedure or any other procedures or school rules.
Usage and Technology Etiquette 
- The District expects that the use of District or personal technology for the purpose of supporting educational programs and the District’s administrative services will occur in an ethical, responsible and legal manner.
- The use of District or personal technology in relation to a District related activity must not result in a threat to the safety and welfare of students and/or employees or any other member of the school community.
- Users are expected to conduct communications using District or personal technology in a courteous and respectful manner, and a manner consistent with District administrative procedures, and for students, consistent with the guidelines and expectations outlined in the school Code of Conduct.
- Users are responsible for using District technology in a secure manner. They must keep their password confidential and must not share passwords or personal information of others, without permission.
- The District is not responsible for the loss of any data or information related to the personal use of District or personal technology.
Prohibited uses of District technology include: 
- Transmitting or possessing any materials in violation of Canadian laws;
- Intentionally receiving, viewing, duplicating, forwarding, storing, or transmitting pornographic materials;
- Transmitting, posting, or linking to disrespectful, derogatory, offensive, threatening, harassing, discriminatory, abusive, obscene, or illegal messages, materials, activities;
- Intentionally duplicating, storing, installing, or transmitting any digital material that contravenes the Copyright Act;
- Plagiarizing any information obtained through District technology, or any other means;
- Participating in online gambling sites;
- Forging any document or message; obscuring the origin of any message, transmission, or file;
- Using programs that harass users, prevent access, investigate, intercept, examine, or infiltrate computer systems, information, or software components;
- Conducting commercial activities without permission; and
- Any other conduct that would be cause for discipline.
- The District will not intentionally access, use or disclose personal information except when
- Disclosure is required as part of a misconduct investigation or in relation to a breach of law or policy;
- There are compelling safety or security concerns;
- The District is legally authorized or compelled to do so.
- In the course of maintaining the health, performance, and recoverability of District technology, network transmission patterns and statistics (not content) are routinely monitored, and information and data (content) are routinely backed-up.
Violations of Administrative Procedure
- Violations of this Administrative Procedure may result in privileges relating to District technology being restricted, suspended, or revoked and may result in disciplinary action.
- Violations of this Administrative Procedure may be reported to the appropriate law enforcement authorities and may also be subject to criminal investigations and/or criminal charges.
Reference: Sections 17, 20, 22, 65, 85 School Act
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act
School Regulation 265/89
Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
Canadian Criminal Code
Copyright Act
Introduction to British Columbia’s Redesigned Curriculum, 2015
Adopted: April 18, 2016
Revised: September 24, 2018
Cross References: