Facilities and Planning Committee Highlights, January 19, 2022.

The Facilities and Planning Committee met on the evening of January 19, 2022.
First on the agenda was a discussion with stakeholders and trustees regarding the Queen Elizabeth Annex (QEA) closure process. The discussions followed a motion passed at Monday’s Special Board meeting, that:
The Board of Education consider the closure of Queen Elizabeth Annex school, effective June 30, 2023, by forwarding this report to the Facilities Planning Committee for review and recommendation.
After a presentation from staff and comments from stakeholder representatives, committee members voted to recommend the Board to initiate a public engagement process. The Board will decide to either begin a public engagement process or stop the closure process at the next Board meeting, scheduled for January 31, 2022. If the Board decides to begin an engagement, that process will occur between February to May. Should public consultation proceed, will make its decision about the proposed closure at a public Board meeting, scheduled for May 30, 2022. Click here for more information on the closure process.
Next on the agenda was a lease bylaw for Capital Energy. The District has been generating revenue by leasing commercial office space at the Education Centre at current neighborhood market rates. Capital Energy is interested in the space and in order to move forward with the lease, staff have recommended the Board authorize the Secretary Treasurer to sign and register the lease bylaw. The committee supported to move the recommendation to the May Board meeting.
The final item discussed at the meeting was the extention of the lease at Shannon park Annex to the Vancouver Hebrew Academy. The lease was renegotiated at current market rates. Similar to the Capital Energy lease, staff recommended the Board authorize the Secretary treasurer to sign, seal and register the lease bylaw. The committee supported to move the recommendation to the May Board meeting.
Keep up to date with all of the District’s committee and Board meetings; see the calendar for meeting dates, agendas and livestream links. A full recording of the meeting can be found on the District’s YouTube channel.