District celebrates administrative and management staff

It's December and celebrations abound! Today, December 5, the Vancouver School District proclaims as "Administrative and Management Staff Appreciation Day."
Our education system and learning needs of students are ever evolving. Administrators and management staff have a vital role in ensuring students' success by providing innovative, caring and responsive learning environments. From the principals and vice-principals who ensure schools run smoothly and educators have vibrant professional collaboration, to management staff who keep the nuts and bolts of the system outside of the classroom well-functioning, the collective expertise, dedication and skills of staff fulfill the District's mandate: To enable students to reach their intellectual, social, aesthetic and physical potential in challenging and stimulating settings which reflect the worth of each individual and promote mutual respect, cooperation and social responsibility.
In celebration of the commitment and impact administrative and management staff have on students, the District issued a proclamation marking the day, and created a new student scholarship in honour of their contributions.
"We are fortunate to have a team of exceptional principals, vice-principals and management serving our students, their families and the wider education community," explains Suzanne Hoffman, Superintendent. "In addition to their outstanding work every day as leaders, I applaud how they go beyond their daily duties with their volunteerism, ongoing professional developmentwith an aim to best to support students and their commitment to advancing public education in Vancouver."
In celebration of Administrative and Management Staff Appreciation Day, two $2,500 scholarships will be awarded to students at the end of the school year. Application criteria will include academic achievement as well as a reflection submission. The scholarship will be available to students of District secondary schools, the Vancouver Learning Network, Alternative and Adult Education programs.
The scholarship and District proclamation together are a tribute to District administrators and management staff. Their contributions connect to Goal 2 of the District's 2021 Strategic Plan:To Build capacity in our community through strengthening collective leadership.
Previously this school year, the District marked World Teachers' Day (October 5) and Support Staff Recognition Day (November 5). Scholarships were also announced celebrating their contributions to student learning.